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OpenLaw vs. Traditional Attorney Search

OpenLaw is transforming how individuals connect with attorneys, removing obstacles inherent in the traditional legal system.

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Traditional Attorney Search

Find exceptional legal representation 10X faster with our user-friendly platform. Submit your case and promptly receive customized proposals from qualified attorneys.

Traditional Attorney Search

Time-consuming searches through directories, phone calls, and consultations without guaranteed success.


Attorneys submit tailored proposals, enabling you to select the best option for your budget and needs. As a result, you can potentially save between 20% -70% on legal fees.

Traditional Attorney Search

Expensive legal services without transparent or competitive pricing, potentially leading to overpayment.


We prioritize transparency by offering clear, detailed attorney proposals, empowering you to compare and choose the best fit based on experience, expertise, and fees.

Traditional Attorney Search

Difficulty obtaining upfront information about an attorney’s experience, success rate, and fees, hindering informed decision-making.

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OpenLaw connected me with an aggressive attorney who fought and won a bogus case, allowing me to see my son again. With other firms quoting between $3,000-$5,000, OpenLaw saved me a fortune. I'm forever grateful for their platform and the quality legal help that made priceless father-son moments possible.

Charles A.